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Student Internships

In order to foster education in laboratory preparation and field excavation of fossils, GeoDecor currently sponsors exciting lab and field internships for course credit, for students enrolled at University of Arizona and at Pima Community College.

Laboratory Internships

Laboratory internships take place at GeoDecor's fossil preparation lab in Tucson, Arizona. Laboratory internships provide the experience of working in a professional fossil preparation lab setting, including hands-on fossil preparation.

Field Internships

Field internships take place at GeoDecor's fossil excavation in Southwestern Wyoming. Field internships provide the experience of working at a professional fossil excavation, including hands-on fossil digging. The opportunity to experience a professional fossil excavation represents the adventure of a lifetime for the interested geosciences student and a potentially life-changing experience for those who may choose paleontology as a career.

University of Arizona

Students in the Geosciences Dept. at UA may register for an internship course through the department’s paleontology instructor. Students in other UA colleges may register for independent study courses or internship courses, as recommended by their advisor. GeoDecor also sponsors GeoPathways grant recipients for lab and field internships.

Pima Community College

Students enrolled in Geology courses at PCC may be recommended by their instructor for an honors course which includes experience and training at GeoDecor. 

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