Exceptional fossils, minerals, and meteorites for interior designers, collectors, and museums

Sabalites sp. Green River Formation Lincoln County, WY Eocene - 51 million years old Palms are considered rare in the Green River Formation of Wyoming due to the fragility of the once-living cellulose. Here, a gorgeous palm frond is naturally positioned in limestone as though blowing in the wind. Also present is an interesting piece of plant material (above) and a tiny fish, Knightia eocaena (below.) Framed in tropical walnut and cleated for wall display. Measures 114 x 66 inches $90,000

Sabalites sp. Green River Formation Lincoln County, WY Eocene - 51 million years old Dramatically skewed leaves show the position in which this palm frond landed in an Eocene lakebed, to be fossilized over eons. A warm taupe matrix adds to its appeal. Framed in tropical walnut and fitted with a cleat system for wall display. Measures 89 x 66 inches $60,000

Germany This unusual Eocene-age fossilized wood, from Eastern Germany, sparkles with naturally occurring druzy quartz crystals covering the entire surface. The warm brown mineral replacement displays natural wood texture. 29"H x 16"W $9,500

Sabalites sp. Green River Formation Lincoln County, WY Eocene - 51 million years old Fortuitously preserved after having fallen into the deep, cold waters of a prehistoric Eocene lake, this palm frond is seen exactly as it was preserved, with some leaves askew due to lake currents. Framed in tropical walnut and cleated for wall display. Measures 77 x 64 inches SOLD

Sabalites sp. Green River Formation Lincoln County, WY Eocene - 51 million years old A superb combination of plant and fish are shown in this amazing fossil mural. The extraordinarily well-preserved palm flower even exhibits the sheath from which the flower emerged. Two fossil fish - Cockerellites liops - accompany the flower. Framed in tropical walnut and cleated for wall display. Measures 28 x 65 1/2 inches SOLD

Sabalites sp., Knightia eocaena Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming Measures 101.5 x 77 x 7 inches SOLD

Sabalites sp. Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming Recently recovered from the Eocene sediments of the Green River Formation in Wyoming, this pair of palms represents part and counterpart of a fortuitous discovery of one palm frond specimen on a cleavage plane of stone matrix. Each mural measures 73 1/2 x 30 inches SOLD