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Fossil Laboratory

GeoDecor’s preparation lab is established as a leader in fossil preparation quality and ingenuity. Led by President and CEO Thomas Lindgren, reflecting his extensive experience in the field and in the lab, our lab produces some of the most aesthetically beautiful and scientifically accurate fossils available. 

Preparation standards conform to current scientifically approved standards and are maintained through membership in the Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences. 

Our lab produces a wide variety of material from the Green River Formation, which are finished as hanging murals and mosaic and tile projects. In addition to our extensive work on Green River material, our preparation team also works on fossils from worldwide localities, including invertebrates, fossil mammals, dinosaurs and more.


Our skilled staff also provides custom repair and restoration work. Custom projects are available in our preparation lab. Pricing is based on type of material and scale of the project. Please contact us for a quote. 

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